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Message from the President December 2023


In June 2021 the shareholders of the Danish Candian Club voted on a motion to allow the Board to pursue selling the Land and building, owned by the Club.


The Board of the Club is pleased to announce that we have now successfully made an agreement to sell the Land and building.


In addition we have secured a lease agreement with the purchaser that will guarantee that we stay in the building at least until the end of 2024 and, if we choose, until June 30th 2025.

Again we would like to assure everyone that this historic event for the Club is to ensure the future existence of the Club, not to close it down.


In due time there will be surveys to find out what the Shareholders and Members would like to see as the next step in the moving to a new facility.


Please continue to support the business end of the Club by visiting the Mermaid Inn, attending Club functions and booking group functions.



Per Andersen
















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