Message from the President May 2024
We’re pleased to be able to confirm to you that the land and building where the Club is located has been sold to Ayrshire, or Copenhagen Block as the venue will be called.
The board and management has worked diligently for a long time to arrive at this major mile stone in the history of the Club.
The Club can stay operating in the current location until June 2025. We’re going to use that time to prepare for relocating to another facility.
We are also pleased with the response to our survey and our open houses. It has given the board a very good indication of what to look for as a future location.
We have the AGM coming up in September and at that time the shareholders will have an opportunity to vote on a motion in regards to give the board permission to committing to a new location.
We thank everyone that has kept supporting the Club by visiting the Mermaid Inn or by booking private events in the appropriate areas. We would like to ensure the Danish groups, Navers, Garders and the over-50 card players that there will be facilities for them to use in the new location. We also intend to continue to work closely with the Danish Church and all other groups that have supported the Club in the past.
We are all talking about how to attract new members and a younger crowd to carry the Club into the future. It is important that we all invite our own younger generation to attend functions or family meals. Hopefully that way we could generate some suggestions for what it would take to make the younger crowd interested in taking part in shaping the future of the Club.
Per Andersen​